Australian Bureau of Statistics
Find statistics and data on topics like housing, education and heath, as well as results from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS)
Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet policy search
Browse or search for policies, plans and strategies from government and other organisations
Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet portal
Information and statistics to support policy and service delivery, covering a range of health and wellbeing topics relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework (AIHW)
A comprehensive overview of the current state of health outcomes, determinants of health and health system performance.
Commonwealth Closing the Gap 2023 Annual Report and 2024 Implementation Plan (National Indigenous Australians Agency)
The 2023 Annual Report assesses the Commonwealth’s delivery against actions outlined in the 2023 Implementation Plan. The 2024 Implementation Plan is forward looking, outlining the Commonwealth’s strategic priorities for Closing the Gap over the next year
First Nations People (AIHW)
View specialised reports on topics like disability, avoidable deaths, and cancer.
Indigenous Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Clearinghouse (AIHW)
Wellbeing, mental health and suicide prevention reports and research - includes an emerging research register.