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Careers in Medicine

Victorian Doctors Health Program

The Victorian Doctors Health Program is a free confidential advisory service for all Victorian doctors and medical students who have concerns about their well-being: such as stress, mental health questions, substance use struggles, or physical health issues. 

Drs4Drs is a national not for profit organisation dedicated to the well-being of doctors and medical students. They offer a free and confidential health advisory service, a telecounselling support service and many more resources.

Austin Health
Workforce Health, Safety and Wellness
Austin Health has a number of health and wellbeing training and programs. 

Diversity and Inclusion
The Austin Health Diversity and Inclusion Plan focuses on creating awareness and understanding, building capacity and confidence, attracting, growing and developing and inclusive workforce and valuing staff to create a safe, welcoming and inclusive culture. 

Austin Health Library 
The Austin Library offers a welcoming space for all Austin and MHW Heidelberg staff and students. Along with a comprehensive print and journal collection, workstations and meeting rooms we have comfortable seating and areas where staff and students can relax. We also have a little free library for recreational reading. 


You are not a frog podcast imageYou Are Not A Frog helps doctors and other professionals in high-pressure roles make courageous choices that allow them to thrive as human beings. If you work in a high-pressure environment like healthcare then – just like a frog in boiling water – you might not notice stress building up until it’s too late. Learn the skills of how to handle overwhelm, your spiralling workload to thrive at work


NHS Practitioner Health Wellbeing Podcast imageThe NHS Practitioner Health Wellbeing Podcast, where people come together to discuss the wellbeing of doctors and healthcare professionals.


University student wellbeing and support services

All universities have support and wellbeing services.