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Research Toolkit

Manage data

Proper data management is essential for ensuring transparency and reproducibility. It's also an ethical requirement to ensure you organise, document and store data appropriately when working with patient and confidential data. Data management helps to foster data sharing, collaboration and efficiencies. A clear audit trail will enable others to understand and verify your team's work. 

At the Austin we provide access to the following tools:


Is an online tool that streamlines the production of systematic reviews and other review types! It makes it easier to screen and extract data for your review.

How to access:

To request access, you must use your Austin email address ( 

  1. Go to Austin's Covidence registration page
  2. Enter your information (using your email address) and click “Request Invitation” link
  3. Accept the invitation in your email
  4. Log in to your existing Covidence account or sign up for a new account
  5. Start reviewing!


EndNote is a reference management system that can help save time and organise all of your references in your personalised library. 

How to access:

We have a limited number of EndNote Licences available for clinicians who do not have university affiliation. Please complete this form to obtain access. The Library team will reach out to you shortly to provide the necessary license for installation.

EndNote in the Library

We have EndNote installed on several dedicated computers available for use. If you need assistance, please ask us for help.


REDCap which stands for Research Electronic Data Capture, is a web-based software tool designed for collecting and managing research data. It's a secure, HIPAA-compliant application which allows researchers to create databases, design surveys, and capture data efficiently without requiring extensive technical expertise.

  • Austin Health is currently running version 10.0.6. 
  • For access to REDCap, contact the IT Service Desk.
  • Support and training for REDCap is to be resourced by individual departments.
  • Prototypes can be developed once access has been provided, however ethics approval or evidence of exemption from ethics approval by Discovery & Innovation Unit ( required for all Austin Health projects using REDCap.
How to get started

Additional resources