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Research Toolkit

Write & publish

Writing and publishing your research findings is an important stage in the scientific process. While there's a lot of hard work, sweat and tears from project start to completion, publishing or presenting your findings provides an exciting opportunity to disseminate your work and contribute to the field. Need help developing your writing style? Not sure where to publish? Confused by copyright and licensing? Check out some of the tools and resources below.

Writing your manuscript

There are many resources available through our catalogue on how to write a paper or how to improve your writing style.

Journal selection tools

Avoid fraudulent/predatory journals

Navigating copyright

It's important to understand copyright and how it works. It affects researchers in two main areas:

  • when you use the work of others, known as third party material; you may need to check who owns the copyright and seek written permission
  • when you produce your own work 

Navigating copyright will help protect your intellectual property when publishing.

Fellowship code

The BMJ Case Reports fellowship code is a unique identifier that allows authors from subscribing institutions to submit case reports to the journal without paying individual submission fees.

Note: This does not include open access APCs. If you wish to make your report OA you'll still need to pay.

The Austin is a participating institution and our fellowship code is 200787.

To use this code you need to be employed by the Austin and use your email when submitting 

Read and publish deals