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Research Toolkit

What is a researcher profile?

Some databases and platforms automatically create a user profile. If you have published a journal article, you will have a researcher profile in Scopus (Scopus ID) and/or Web of Science (Researcher ID).

For other platforms such as ORCiD and Google Scholar, you will need to create a profile. At the very least you should have an ORCiD profile, which can talk to other systems like Scopus, Web of Science etc.

What are the benefits?

  • An ORCiD is often required by funders & journal publishers
  • Increased visibility & discoverability 
  • Unique identification - aids in disambiguation especially if you have a common name or name variants
  • Metrics & impact

Impact & dissemination

Once you have published your research, you can use promotion strategies to reach a wider audience (and increase your citations). Here are some tips on promoting your work:

  • Update your profiles (e.g. ORCiD, LinkedIn, Loop Research network)
  • Share via social media
  • Share with your colleagues and broader networks
  • Write a blog post or use other media options (e.g. consider writing for the Conversation or similar)
  • Participate in conferences or webinars
  • Liaise with the comms team to see if they can circulate either internally or externally