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Accessing journals and databases when onsite at Austin Health, Repat and Royal Talbot

All Austin Health and Mercy Heidelberg staff and students have full access to all online journals and databases when working onsite at any Austin Health campus or Mercy Heidelberg, or when using a computer or device that is connected to the Austin IT network.

Go the the Library website at

Use the catalogue search box on the home page of the Library website to search for books, eBooks, journals, journal articles and more. Use the 'Find Journals A-Z List' link, or the 'Advanced Search' link to narrow your search.


Accessing journals and databases when not onsite

You must be a Austin Library member to access journals and databases when not onsite. Austin Health staff are members of the Library upon commencement. Mercy Heidelberg staff and students, and students on placement at Austin Health should join the Library.


When searching the Library catalogue or databases on the Library website, you may be asked to log in for full access to a particular resource. 

Austin Health staff: use your Austin network IT credentials.

Mercy Heidelberg staff and students and students on placement at Austin Health: Log in using your Library credentials: 

  • Username = Barcode on the back of your Library card (including the letters)
  • Password = the password you created when you set up your Library account



Have you:

  1. Entered your barcode correctly? Check the caps lock and also include the letters.
  2. Set a password?  You can set or reset your Library password at any time using the 'Set/reset Library password' link on the homepage of the Library website.
  3. Accessed the article via the Library website? If you Google an article you are not connected to the Library website, and therefore won't be recognised as being entitled to our subscriptions. Copy the article heading and paste it into the Library catalogue on our website.
    See our Searching for the full text of an article page for more information and tips.
  4. Renewed your Library membership? Contact the library and we can renew it for you.
  5. Still having trouble? Contact the Library 

contact us icon Contact the Austin Health Library
phone: 03 9496 5393
hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.00pm

The Library space is available 24/7 via security card for all Austin Health and Mercy Heidelberg staff. Library staff are unavailable Vic. public holidays.