Welcome to the Austin Health Sciences Library! Follow these tips to make sure you have all the Library resources you need. If you need assistance, drop into the Library or contact us by phone, email or Teams. Check for further useful tips for your discipline or location on the tabs on the left of this page.
Austin Health staff and students become members of the Library upon commencement of their role. Mercy Heidelberg staff and students must join the Library.
Onsite access
Library membership gives all staff and students onsite access to key medical resources including databases, print and eBooks, print and online journals and more.
Offsite access
Offsite access is only available to Austin Health and Mercy Heidelberg staff (students do not have offsite access).
Bookmark the Austin Library webpage (or Google Austin Health Library - we will be at the top of your results).
The Library website homepage is your starting point to search the catalogue, access major databases including PubMed, MEDLINE, Clinicians Health Channel and more. Our homepage also allows you to book into one of our many training and education webinars, or book a time to meet with a medical librarian for one-on-one support.
Learn more about our:
Austin Health staff and students can also find a selection of key clinical tools and library resources on the Library Pulse page (Austin's intranet).
Register with Clinicians Health Channel (CHC) to access high-quality Australian and international resources and evidence-based tools that help you care for your patients. CHC is a government funded portal for health professionals working in public health in Victoria.
CHC recommends registering your private and work email address as this gives you continued access if one system is offline.
The Austin Health Library is located on Level 4, Lance Townsend Building. You have 24/7 access to the Library with your Austin swipe card. Library staff are available Monday-Friday 8.30-5.00pm.
We have quiet study spaces, computers, printing, comfortable couches and a Free Little Library for some light reading.
Learn more about our Library services & spaces, including:
The Library space is available 24/7 via security card for all Austin Health and Mercy Heidelberg staff. Library staff are unavailable Vic. public holidays.